Take Your Goals To The Next Level & Overcome Any Obstacle 
Standing Between You and What You Truly Desire.
Your Epic 
Your Epic 

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Your Epic 
What Is This Book About?

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Your Epic Encore - 
It's Never Too Late! 
Rewrite Your Story & Create 
The Life Of Your Dreams!
Your Epic Encore - 
It's Never Too Late! 
Rewrite Your Story & Create 
The Life Of Your Dreams!
Take Your Goals To The Next Level & Overcome Any Obstacle 
Standing Between You and What You Truly Desire.
What Is This Book About?
Take Your Goals To The Next Level & 
Overcome Any Obstacle Standing Between 
You and What You Truly Desire
Following your dreams, pursuing your passions, or starting over is not always easy. Many times there are painful setbacks, roadblocks, and other obstacles that will try to knock you off course. If you truly want to experience a reinvention, a transformation, or a new start - then it’s time to buckle up and do the work it takes. This means stepping away from negative thoughts, actions, influences, and distractions that have been holding you back and keeping you from living your best life.

In Your Epic Encore, Author Cheryl Broughton shares her own personal story of how she overcame some of the hardest events in her life. She asks thought-provoking, deep-rooted questions which will help you gain clarity and take action! She proves it’s never too late to start over and teaches the Nine Pillars of Reinvention - which are tools you can put to use and execute immediately! Plus, you’ll break old habits of procrastination and repeating the same old story every day of why you can’t have, be or do what it is that you really want. 

It’s time for you to step into the driver's seat, grab the wheel, and change the direction of your life. It’s time to make a new set of choices and to pave new roads that lead to new opportunities, connections, and adventures! It’s time for Your Epic Encore!
What Is This Book About?
Following your dreams, pursuing your passions, or starting over is not always easy. Many times there are painful setbacks, roadblocks, and other obstacles that will try to knock you off course. If you truly want to experience a reinvention, a transformation, or a new start - then it’s time to buckle up and do the work it takes. This means stepping away from negative thoughts, actions, influences, and distractions that have been holding you back and keeping you from living your best life.

In Your Epic Encore, Author Cheryl Broughton asks thought-provoking, deep-rooted questions which will help you gain clarity and take action! She proves it’s never too late to start over and teaches the Nine Pillars of Reinvention - which are tools you can put to use and execute immediately! Plus, you’ll break old habits of procrastination and repeating the same old story every day of why you can’t have, be or do what it is that you really want. 

It’s time for you to step into the driver's seat, grab the wheel, and change the direction of your life. It’s time to make a new set of choices and to pave new roads that lead to new opportunities, connections, and adventures! It’s time for Your Epic Encore!
Your Epic Encore - It's Never Too Late
Rewrite Your Story & Create The Life Of Your Dreams!
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Your EPIC Encore
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Testimonies & Reviews!
See What Readers Are Saying!!!
This book ROCKS! For years I’ve been hearing from all the personal development experts that everything we need is (and always has been) inside of us. And they’ve all offered different ways to tap into our place of power. But Your Epic Encore offers the simplest way to gradually yet rapidly pull ourselves up and out of our stagnation. Some of us have been stuck for decades and have long ago lost direction. Worse, a deadened existence can become so normal that we stop noticing it, and that’s the true danger zone! If any of you are thinking this describes your life, then STOP what you’re doing right now, GET and READ THIS BOOK, and ANSWER EVERY QUESTION Cheryl asks you to. If you’re afraid of what you might reveal to yourself, it’s OK, because she’s got a whole chapter on Forgiveness, too, which is the exact kind of healing that so many of us need. Do you want the rest of your life to be better than how it’s been up until now? Then make it happen! Buy, read, answer the questions, and embrace Your Epic Encore -it’ll be worth every single minute of your time! 

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Wow! This “book” is more than “a book”. It is not just life-changing it is life-starting! I thought this might be an interesting autobiography about Cheryl and her exciting life. Well, I had no idea what I had discovered! I found that she and I shared many common situations and emotions. Her soft, reassuring, kind, and gentle gift of storytelling drew me in, and I was mesmerized by her delivery and felt I had a friend that really understood ME. First, I listened to the audio book all the way through, and then I received the “in-my-hands” paperback book. I was excited to start doing the lessons! I wanted to start my life after realizing that I had been letting life and everyone in my life - run me! I started questioning, “Who am I - really? What do I want? What do I need to do to get there?” I am now on my new journey of self-discovery. There are questions that I am asking myself everyday to bring clarity, fulfillment, and enjoyment to my life. I am loving this EPIC journey!

This book is like an exotic bottle of port wine or a rare piece of hand-crafted chocolate. You need to take your time, take little bites or sips and swirl it around in your brain, allow it to seep into the innermost parts of your emotions, past conversations, experiences, and beliefs. Breathe in the freshness and the fullness of a new beginning in changing what was, for what can be! 

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I have reinvented myself three times since my early 50’s - first, as a certified personal trainer. Next, as a chef. And most recently, as a musician and singer. I learned to play the guitar, took decades of rust off my singing “pipes” and then hit the local pubs to perform. Each of these reinventions of myself required educating myself with a new vernacular, learning new skills, being confident, fearless and graceful. Now, I’m about to turn 68 years young and here comes another EPIC ENCORE. This time it is as an author. You see, I’ve always wanted to write a book. And this is the year I am committing myself to learning to write fiction like a pro. To check writing my first book off of my bucket list. To make my lifelong dream come true. But, I can already hear my subconscious mind nagging me, “But it’s a scary proposition to learn something new at your age and throw yourself into it like a kid doing a cannonball in the deep end of the pool. Golly, what if you...... Fail? Quit? Can’t do it?” That’s why I am so excited to have discovered the tools that will help me visualize my path, overcome my obstacles, and see my future in Cheryl Broughton’s new book “Your Epic Encore”. Like Cheryl says, “It’s never too late to re-write your story and to create the life of your dreams.” Figuring out where you are now and where you want to be - point A to point B - is never easy, but by reading “Your Epic Encore” and using Cheryl’s critical thinking tools, questions and exercises, I am well on my way to becoming a successful author. If you are thinking of trying something new, expanding your horizons, following your dreams, or starting over, regardless of your current life circumstances, “Your Epic Encore” is a must read. Cheryl will help you get yourself into the driver’s seat, buckled up, grab the steering wheel and hit the gas!

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A MUST READ. When I picked up this book, I thought it was a story of who Cheryl Broughton really is. Little did I know it was that and more!! This book is actually a step-by-step lesson plan on how to re-start my vision, find my why and set goals for my next adventure!! I have known Cheryl for the past 2 years, before COVID we'd get together every few months with a small bunch of our AC3 team for lunch to trade WINS and things we needed to work on, supporting each other, guiding each other. I MISS THAT. Life throws boulders in our way sometimes and we get off track. We need to find our way back with guidance and support, this is a book that does just that! It helped open my eyes and reminded me how to CONTINUE working on my inner self-imagine. Cheryl defines the " 9 pillars" and gives help on how to get where I want to go. Chapter I3, pillar 9; reminds me that I always had success when I worked with mentors and accountability partners to cheer and help re-direct me when I needed it! One of my favorite chapters in the book is Chapter 14 "Fast Track!" Cheryl gives me 16 key points on how to stay on track; best reminders for me was "be impeccable with your word" & "keep the engine revved up!" Aloha - Sina

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This is just what I needed at this time in my life. So much of the content resonated with me and came at a time where I was at a crossroads in my life, deciding if I should go for it or not. I plan to and will take some tips in this book with me especially the meditation and journaling, which I keep meaning to do. I like how the book weaves in her own story as she shows how she has overcome things in her past and is now living her epic encore and that you can too. The pillars are a great guide and although I will not write them all down here (go get and read the book yourself), things like thinking about where you are and where you want to be; that you have control of your life; and envisioning yourself there are great takeaways for me as I continue on my path to re-imagine my own life. - Kristen S.
It's never too late to start again! I learned so much reading this book. I'm 63 years old and it helped me realize it's never too late to reinvent myself. The book encourages us to always go forward and not dwell on past failures. All that matters is what we do now. The author Cheryl tells of her own life challenges and shares practical steps that we can all implement to live our epic encore. It is so encouraging and uplifting. I highly recommend this book to others who feel they still have something special inside them to share and want to give back to the world.
- Steve L.
What I have learned from Your epic encore is inspirational. It has motivated me at 52 to find my value to search for my main purpose in what I want to do to my make a difference in myself and my life. Stay tune for more to come.
- Lori L. 
I can't believe what all Cheryl has been through. Her guidance and this book has inspired me to go for goals that I had never thought of before. 
 - Olivia M.
As someone who is over 60, with “conditions”, I find myself really appreciating Cheryl for being a positive force in shifting my mind set. 

So many times, self help books drone on and on without a clear message. I have to say, I was drawn in after the first few pages and was captivated by Cheryl’s story. The visual concept of pillars, each building upon the last, brilliantly develops a workable path towards changing your life. 
Thank you Cheryl for being so transparent…. and thank you for giving us a golden opportunity to learn from the best!
- Laure S.
I am a self-improvement junkie and I have studied many great authors and experts. Cheryl's book is perfect for those who need an easy introduction into getting their life on track. I loved reading it! 
- Candice M.
Even after reinventing myself several times in this lifetime, i still get stuck. Cheryl's "Your Epic Encore" is exactly what I needed. A mix of encouragement and inspiration, she cuts right to the chase with her pointed questions. Gently helping us get to the core issues so we can start again with fresh eyes - with a few less layers than before. Thank you for your courage and vulnerability!
- Alexa F.
Cheryl is an incredible and relatable mentor, whose documented life experiences give hope for new beginnings. I love this book! It has a great reading pace, and has heartwarming, comical, and uplifting content. Her exercises are practical and soul-filling. I am always left feeling fulfilled spiritually and with clearer mental and physical clarity. It's completely changed my outlook on life and the possibilities it has in store. It really IS never too late to live your most epic life and surprise yourself with what you are truly capable of. From one friend and reader to another, pick up this book! You won't regret it!
- Anna B.
I really loved the meditation section in Cheryl's book. It helped me so much, I bought another copy for my boyfriend so 
he could input his own answers! 
- Summer D.
Cheryl illuminates a dynamic path of possibility in this powerful book about rebooting life. I felt so inspired by her story. I can relate to many of her personal challenges and her writing style allows me to see the ways I can break through my own patterns that keep me tied to my comfort zone. After reading this book, I am ready to grow and flow with life and I say YES to partnering with the possibilities! - Edy P
EPIC!! The title alone was enough to inspire me to read this book. Hearing how Cheryl went through some hard situations while successfully giving back to others made me feel for her. And left me wanting to hear more about her journey. 

This book is easy to read, (even easier to listen to) and kept my attention all the way through. I really liked the flow, the pillars and practical exercises it presented. The questions she asked are just what many of us need to refocus on the path we want to take, not just following the path someone else laid out for us. I’m going to read it again and again as I implement some of the practices Cheryl talks about and add it to my routine. Happy to add it to my favorite book list. 
- Jo M.

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Your Epic Encore is full of heartfelt wisdom with the power to transform anyone’s life willing to apply the timeless teachings. Those who have experienced trauma will read that they are not alone. Those who have persevered to at least the age of 40 will know that they have the ability to continue accomplishing anything their hearts desire.
  -- Wendy S.
Quite inspirational yet practical. "Your Epic Encore" helped establish the blueprint for living the life I have dreamed of. It has wisdom for looking at myself honestly to finally gain clarity on how to change in ways that support achievement of my goals. I'd call it a workbook for taking control of my life to become the best version of me that I can imagine--right down to choosing the words I use everyday. 
 -- Tim W.

With this pandemic, we are all living through the perfect time to "reset", our weights, careers, etc. I was recently able to begin my 15 pound weight loss journey through Intermittent Fasting. Before this year, I never wanted to divulge my age either, even when my little ones were delighted to scream it out the car windows! So here it goes...this June, I'll be turning "50"! Not sure how to celebrate yet, but I'm looking forward to an even better second half! Thanks for leading the way, you make "53" look fabulous! Your book is relatable on so many levels, it's super easy to listen to, you're a natural storyteller! I appreciate your transparency, there's no doubt that your courage will help countless lives reach the best versions of themselves! --Alba R.

Your Epic Encore is a book of hope and inspiration that gives you the tools to overcome at any age, and Cheryl does it in a fun and easy to digest way! She bravely shares her personal stories, struggles, and lessons and how you too, can learn from your own. The workbook format is easy to to read and full of tips and encouragement to meet you where you are at any age. If you want some tools for overcoming, give this short book a read! 
-- Kelly M
Testimonies & Reviews!
See What Readers Are Saying!!!
This book ROCKS! For years I’ve been hearing from all the personal development experts that everything we need is (and always has been) inside of us. And they’ve all offered different ways to tap into our place of power. But Your Epic Encore offers the simplest way to gradually yet rapidly pull ourselves up and out of our stagnation. Some of us have been stuck for decades and have long ago lost direction. Worse, a deadened existence can become so normal that we stop noticing it, and that’s the true danger zone! If any of you are thinking this describes your life, then STOP what you’re doing right now, GET and READ THIS BOOK, and ANSWER EVERY QUESTION Cheryl asks you to. If you’re afraid of what you might reveal to yourself, it’s OK, because she’s got a whole chapter on Forgiveness, too, which is the exact kind of healing that so many of us need. Do you want the rest of your life to be better than how it’s been up until now? Then make it happen! Buy, read, answer the questions, and embrace Your Epic Encore -it’ll be worth every single minute of your time! 

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Your Epic Encore is full of heartfelt wisdom with the power to transform anyone’s life willing to apply the timeless teachings. Those who have experienced trauma will read that they are not alone. Those who have persevered to at least the age of 40 will know that they have the ability to continue accomplishing anything their hearts desire.
  -- Wendy S.
A MUST READ. When I picked up this book, I thought it was a story of who Cheryl Broughton really is. Little did I know it was that and more!! This book is actually a step-by-step lesson plan on how to re-start my vision, find my why and set goals for my next adventure!! I have known Cheryl for the past 2 years, before COVID we'd get together every few months with a small bunch of our AC3 team for lunch to trade WINS and things we needed to work on, supporting each other, guiding each other. I MISS THAT. Life throws boulders in our way sometimes and we get off track. We need to find our way back with guidance and support, this is a book that does just that! It helped open my eyes and reminded me how to CONTINUE working on my inner self-imagine. Cheryl defines the " 9 pillars" and gives help on how to get where I want to go. Chapter I3, pillar 9; reminds me that I always had success when I worked with mentors and accountability partners to cheer and help re-direct me when I needed it! One of my favorite chapters in the book is Chapter 14 "Fast Track!" Cheryl gives me 16 key points on how to stay on track; best reminders for me was "be impeccable with your word" & "keep the engine revved up!" Aloha - Sina S.
As someone who is over 60, with “conditions”, I find myself really appreciating Cheryl for being a positive force in shifting my mind set. So many times, self help books drone on and on without a clear message. I have to say, I was drawn in after the first few pages and was captivated by Cheryl’s story. The visual concept of pillars, each building upon the last, brilliantly develops a workable path towards changing your life. Thank you Cheryl for being so transparent…. and thank you for giving us a golden opportunity to learn from the best!
- Laure S.
Cheryl is an incredible and relatable mentor, whose documented life experiences give hope for new beginnings. I love this book! It has a great reading pace, and has heartwarming, comical, and uplifting content. Her exercises are practical and soul-filling. I am always left feeling fulfilled spiritually and with clearer mental and physical clarity. It's completely changed my outlook on life and the possibilities it has in store. It really IS never too late to live your most epic life and surprise yourself with what you are truly capable of. From one friend and reader to another, pick up this book! You won't regret it!
- Anna B.
Your Epic Encore is a book of hope and inspiration that gives you the tools to overcome at any age, and Cheryl does it in a fun and easy to digest way! She bravely shares her personal stories, struggles, and lessons and how you too, can learn from your own. The workbook format is easy to to read and full of tips and encouragement to meet you where you are at any age. If you want some tools for overcoming, give this short book a read! 
-- Kelly M
Quite inspirational yet practical. "Your Epic Encore" helped establish the blueprint for living the life I have dreamed of. It has wisdom for looking at myself honestly to finally gain clarity on how to change in ways that support achievement of my goals. I'd call it a workbook for taking control of my life to become the best version of me that I can imagine--right down to choosing the words I use everyday. 
 -- Tim W.

I have reinvented myself three times since my early 50’s - first, as a certified personal trainer. Next, as a chef. And most recently, as a musician and singer. Now, I’m about to turn 68 years young and here comes another EPIC ENCORE. This time it is as an author. And this is the year I am committing myself to learning to write fiction like a pro. To check writing my first book off of my bucket list. To make my lifelong dream come true. But, I can already hear my subconscious mind nagging me, “But it’s a scary proposition to learn something new at your age and throw yourself into it like a kid doing a cannonball in the deep end of the pool. Golly, what if you...... Fail? Quit? Can’t do it?” That’s why I am so excited to have discovered the tools that will help me visualize my path, overcome my obstacles, and see my future in Cheryl Broughton’s new book “Your Epic Encore”. Like Cheryl says, “It’s never too late to re-write your story and to create the life of your dreams.” Figuring out where you are now and where you want to be - point A to point B - is never easy, but by reading “Your Epic Encore” and using Cheryl’s critical thinking tools, questions and exercises, I am well on my way to becoming a successful author. If you are thinking of trying something new, expanding your horizons, following your dreams, or starting over, regardless of your current life circumstances, “Your Epic Encore” is a must read. 

Rewrite Your Story & Create The Life Of Your Dreams!
Trust Me. If I Can Do It, So Can You.
I Am Living Proof That Life Can Get Even Better Than You Imagined! 
Click The Video Below To Hear Why I Wrote This Book.
Your Epic Encore 
It's Never Too Late!
Trust Me. If I Can Do It, 
So Can You.
I Am Living Proof That Life Can Get Even Better Than You Imagined! 
Click The Video Below To Hear Why I Wrote This Book.

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Rewrite Your Story & Create The Life Of Your Dreams!

About The Author

Cheryl’s life has not always been unicorns and rainbows! She has endured years of extreme highs and lows. Cheryl has combined her expertise in studying the mind and body with her own true-life story and has created a program that changes lives!

Cheryl Broughton has been an inspiration to thousands as an author, Fitness TV show producer and host, mind & body boot camp founder, transformation coach, aerial coach, and professional speaker. Cheryl is the Founder of Your Epic Encore coaching and Cheryl The Fly Girl aerial training.

Cheryl is an avid adventure seeker and will forever be young in mind, body, and spirit. She did not start Aerial Circus training until her 40’s (which was after being diagnosed with advanced arthritis). She can be seen teaching, training and performing in aerial - sometimes as high as 140 feet over water! She loves all things adventure and is constantly seeking the next crazy thing to try out! She lives in the Los Angeles area and in her free time loves working in her garden as well as cooking new yummy recipes with her boyfriend. 

  • Author Your Epic Encore 
  • ​Founder Your Epic Encore Coaching
  • Founder Mind & Body Fitness Boot Camp
  • Co-Founder of Wellness Company
  • ​Mind & Body Fitness Columnist
  • ​Founder Cheryl The Fly Girl Aerial Training

About The Author

Cheryl’s life has not always been unicorns and rainbows! She has endured years of extreme highs and lows. Cheryl has combined her expertise in studying the mind and body with her own true-life story and has created a program that changes lives!

Cheryl Broughton has been an inspiration to thousands as an author, Fitness TV show producer and host, mind & body boot camp founder, transformation coach, aerial coach, and professional speaker. Cheryl is the Founder of Your Epic Encore coaching and Cheryl The Fly Girl aerial training.

Cheryl is an avid adventure seeker and will forever be young in mind, body, and spirit. She did not start Aerial Circus training until her 40’s (which was after being diagnosed with advanced arthritis). She can be seen teaching, training and performing in aerial - sometimes as high as 140 feet over water! She loves all things adventure and is constantly seeking the next crazy thing to try out! 

  • Author of Your Epic Encore 
  • ​Founder of Your Epic Encore Coaching
  • Founder of Mind & Body Fitness Boot Camp
  • Co-Founder of Wellness Company
  • ​Mind & Body Fitness Columnist
  • ​Founder of Cheryl The Fly Girl Aerial Training
Commander, what a great book. I appreciate you doing this work and sharing it with others! I will never forget our times together at Boot Camp, and how you change my life when it came to my health. Reading this book, just reminded me of all the great things you have done in the lives of others, and continue to do for yourself. GOD bless you, and may He continue to bless you with the plans and purposes He has for your life.
I got nothing but love for you girl. Congratulations on a well written book. It’s going to bless a lot of people… 
-- Koop
This book is my new bible! I’ve started over in my career a few years ago and lately have felt deflated, frustrated and sad that I’m not where I want to be yet! Cheryl’s experiences and message give me hope and a renewed drive needed to succeed! Reading her story makes me believe anything truly is possible! Thank you, Cheryl.
-- Heather G.

This is a gem for folks of all ages. So often I speak to people who've written off their future for one reason or another, many times presuming that their history dictates their destiny despite numerous stories that contradict this notion. Harland Sanders, Ray Kroc, and Duncan Hines, are just a few in a long list of those who lived the "Epic Encore". And then, of course, there's Cheryl. This is a book written by someone who's lived it. Thank you for the wonderful reminder that life begins today.
-- Keala K.

One of my life mentors is Cheryl Broughton. It was her Fitness Edge Boot Camp that awakened a self-confidence in me that I’d never fully developed until attending her program. She inspired me to get past limiting beliefs and to coach me in ways that enabled me to pay it forward. 
I’m so proud of her for writing this new book and I’ve already started to read it! Cheryl is a beautiful person who lives the life she preaches. A true heart of gold and with passion to help people grow in their individual paths. -- Stephen T.
Cheryl speaks from the heart, as she details her journey from the difficulties she faced in her personal life of some painful abuses of mind and spirit at the hand of romantic entanglements, some major challenges in her business and in her career , and now to the freedom she now experiences today . She will help lay out the plan to freedom from despair to joy, in an easy to grasp set of pillars, you will find here in her book. I highly recommend this book to anyone feeling stuck in their own journey. Cheryl’s speaking voice in the audio version, is soothing and refreshing! An e tray added bonus, I might add!” Keep me in the loop, Cheryl. I uncovered something in my own life I needed to see the insight of. Thank you Cheryl. So glad God put you in my life. -- Paula
Cheryl has written an incredibly inspiring book that hits to the heart about never giving up on your dreams. Much like Cheryl, I fell into the trap of “I’m too old to go for it” path. But I published my first book at 52. Cheryl depicted a life of ups and downs that would derail even the most positive person. She showed with clear focus that amazing things can happen if you accentuate the positives of your life. I recommend her book for anyone who is struggling to find their “why.”

-- Thomas R.

Epic Encore is an excellent book to read as it touches anyone who reads it as relatable as it is! Cheryl Broughton, you are the epitome of a “Woman Warrior” who bared your journey through the road of adversities and not only survived to tell your story but celebrated your Epic Encore with a bang! Your endurance, persistence and faith are manifested in your success and happiness now!  ....My husband Alex gave his own review and said your book touched him in every way and you are an amazing and authentic writer. The book you wrote encourages anyone who reads it and can motivate a paradigm shift. Not only did he enjoy the book, he is also inspired and excited to embark on his own Epic Encore! 
Kudos to you, Cheryl Broughton! Thank you for writing this book.
- Alex and Jane Guillermo

Your Epic Encore gives you the permission and tools to reinvent yourself even after years or decades of frustration. Cheryl Broughton has a magic like ability to instill the belief that you’re not too young, you’re not too old, and that the time to shine is now. Her words are rich with experience, wise with research, and brimming with inspiration.

Lucy Libido
Best selling author of 
Lucy Libido Says... There’s an oil for THAT
Call 661-367-1010   Or Email: Cheryl@YourEpicEncore.com
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CDB Global Enterprises, LLC        Copyright © 2024      All Rights Reserved